Since Crisitunity has covered some of the remaining competitive House primaries on the front page, I thought I’d do a diary on the Arizona primaries, which are September 2. Here are profiles of the Congressional races (I used to live in CD-01 and have continued to follow the state’s politics online since I moved):
AZ-01: An open seat (indicted GOP Congressman Rick Renzi is retiring), and the most exciting primary for the Democrats. State Sen. Ann Kirkpatrick, a moderate, has the cash and the establishment support. Her expected chief rival from the left, former television news reporter Mary Kim Titla, has absolutely fizzled and can’t seem to raise any money. Who is giving Kirkpatrick quite a scare is outspoken progressive Flagstaff attorney Howard Shanker. Though Shanker hasn’t raised as much money as Kirkpatrick (though more than Titla), he’s been endorsed by a fairly impressive list of folks: Progressive Democrats of America, CD-07 Congressman Raul Grijalva, and every single chapter council of the Navajo Nation.
You might ask why the Navajos are backing a white dude from Flagstaff over someone born on a reservation (Kirkpatrick) or an ethnic Native American (Titla). It’s because Shanker was the attorney who defeated a proposal for snowmaking with reclaimed water on one of the Navajo’s sacred mountains, arguing before the Supreme Court that to do so would violate their tribal sovereignty.
Unfortunately for Shanker, the stars are aligned against him this year. It’s a well-known secret that the Navajo only turn out to vote in off-year elections, when their tribal president is elected. In 2002, they propelled political unknown George Cordova to victory over a crowded primary field, but in 2008, it’s unlikely they’ll turn out for Shanker. Shanker’s also hurt by the fact that there’s another candidate to his left, Kucinich 2008 GLBT Coordinator Jeffrey Brown — whom Shanker unsuccessfully tried to have tossed off the ballot.
For the Republicans, mining lobbyist and 2002 candidate Sydney Hay will be the nominee, though she’s facing an interesting challenge from Tucson Electric Power VP Tom Hansen. Hansen is a rarity in Republican circles: a bedrock conservative who’s shocking liberal on environmental issues (as in, he wants to phase out gasoline-powered cars altogether over the next 20 years). If the Republicans had any brains, they’d nominate Hansen, but the smart money’s on Hay. Either Kirkpatrick or Shanker is favored over Hay, particularly given the fact that there’s a right-leaning independent in the race (he’s a climate-change denier).
AZ-02: This is a rematch between horrific Congressman Trent Franks and retired music teacher John Thrasher (D), whose wife is a State Representative. Expect the same result as last time: a blowout win by Franks.
AZ-03: One of the hottest races in the country, as hard-fundraising attorney Bob Lord (D) gears up to challenge surprisingly-vulnerable Congressman John Shadegg. No primaries in this race, as Lord’s strong fundraising scared everybody else out. Call me a pessimist, but I really can’t see East Valley voters tossing out Shadegg, whose father was Barry Goldwater’s chief of staff. Then again, I never expected to see Congressman J.D. Hayworth in neighboring CD-05 go down; he’d weathered two stiff challenges in the 1990’s and was considered safe before losing to Harry Mitchell in 2006. I also never expected to see anyone seriously challenge Shadegg, and Lord has certainly blown me away with his polling and fundraising so far. In any case, this is the one of all eight races I’m least certain about in terms of predictions.
AZ-04: Another rematch between Congressman Ed Pastor (D) and challenger Don Karg. Expect the same result as last time — Karg lost in a landslide and didn’t even bother to put up a website. He’s got one now, but it’s pretty darn pathetic.
AZ-05: Freshman Congressman Harry Mitchell (D) faces a crowded field of top-drawer Republican challengers: former Maricopa County Treasurer David Schweikert, State Reps. Laura Knaperek and Mark Anderson, millionaire Jim Ogsbury, and a late entrant, lobbyist and former State Sen. Susan Bitter Smith. Nevertheless, Mitchell dodged a bullet when his most fearsome challenger, moderate and beloved Corporation Commissioner (a statewide office) Jeff Hatch-Miller, dropped out for personal reasons. The field seems to be coalescing around Schweikert and Bitter Smith, though Ogsbury could use his millions to keep it close. I was really sweating about Hatch-Miller, but I think Mitchell is favored over all of his remaining rivals — the dude has a thirty-five-foot statue of himself in his district that was erected by his beloved constituents (when he was just a State Senator, no less).
AZ-06: We finally managed to find two candidates to run against Congressman Jeff Flake, who’s gone unchallenged the past two cycles — and one of them, trucking company account manager Chris Gramazio (D), seems fairly serious. (The other candidate is university librarian Rebecca Schneider.) Nevertheless, the wildly popular Flake should easily dispatch all comers until he decides to either retire or run for higher office.
AZ-07: All that remains to be seen in this heavily Dem district is whom progressive Congressman Raul Grijalva (D) will face in the general election: pastor Gene Chewning, or virulent racist Joseph Sweeney. Sweeney was the Republicans’ sacrificial lamb in 2006 after defeating the well-funded Mayor of Avondale in the primary, so he’ll probably defeat Chewning as well. In any case, Grijalva, who’s one of the most liberal Congressmen in the country, will easily win reelection.
AZ-08: Another tight district, as freshman Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords prepares to square off against State Senate President Tim Bee. No primaries here, and the right-leaning independent who was planning to run dropped out and endorsed Bee. Bee has a reputation as being somewhat moderate, and he’s well funded, but Giffords is a superstar (albeit a moderate DLC one) and will probably win again.
AZ-01: Kirkpatrick (D) def. Hay (R)
AZ-02: Franks (R) def. Thrasher (D)
AZ-03: Shadegg (R) def. Lord (D)
AZ-04: Pastor (D) def. Karg (R)
AZ-05: Mitchell (D) def. Schweikert (R)
AZ-06: Flake (R) def. Gramazio (D)
AZ-07: Grijalva (D) def. Sweeney (R)
AZ-08: Giffords (D) def. Bee (R)
Net pickup: +1
(Note: I also blog for ProgressiveHistorians.)

“Who is giving Kirkpatrick quite a scare is outspoken progressive Flagstaff attorney Howard Shanker.”
Suuuuuure…. every race needs a Mike Caccioppoli.
I think Mitchell and Giffords both win by about 10 points. Kirkpatrick I’m predicting a 10-15 point win. AZ-01 has blowout written all over it. The closest race I believe will be AZ-03. I say Shadegg wins but by the middle single digits.